JM Veterans Post 12th Annual Charity Golf TournamentIn early August, one of our Baseline survey team members, Dave Wilson, participated in the 12th annual charity golf tournament hosted by JM Veterans Post in effort to raise money for veterans in the community. The tournament was held at Saddleback Golf Course in Firestone, CO and had four participants including (left to right): Conrad Rice, in land acquisitions at Remington Homes, Michael Reed, an operator at Soldier Canyon Water Treatment Authority, David Wilson, Baseline survey CAD technician, and his father, Dave Wilson, a United States Marine Corps, Vietnam veteran, and retired electrical engineer for the City of Loveland.

In the end, the main recipient of the funds raised was the Healing Warriors Program. This program was founded in effort to assist in the lack of available service members that are needed to discontinue the factors that lead to service members suicides. Healing Warrior Program’s vision is to work towards a suicide-free world, where veterans and their families can thrive. Further, their mission is to prevent these tragic losses and enhance the overall wellness of our veterans and their supporters.

Hundreds of thousands of veterans live throughout Colorado, and approximately 55,000 of them reside in northern Colorado; with continually rising numbers of returning service members with post traumatic stress, pain issues, and traumatic brain injuries, there is much more work to do.

For more about the Healing Warriors Program, and how to donate or get involved, follow the links below!

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Ways to Get Involved: