Launched at Baseline

Launched at Baseline!

This year, Baseline Engineering Corporation hosted it first annual Launch Party! The Launch Party’s intent is to:

  • Come together to celebrate past successesLaunched at Baseline
  • Become passionate about the company’s future
  • Develop a sense of pride for our work
  • Become more acquainted with our fellow Baseliners
  • Learn from each other
  • Gain access to beneficial training and resources
  • Provide a welcoming setting where ideas and concerns can be voiced

The all-day event was meant to inform, invigorate, and energize our Launched at Baselineteam for the new year.

The first half of the day provided an overall background on the company’s beginnings, philosophies, and goals. We then heard updates from all divisions that included 2018 accomplishments, as well as what’s in store for 2019. Success stories were shared, as well as marketing/business development highlights.

The second half of the day included breakout sessions and cross-training. Topics included:

  • AutoCAD User Helpful Hints and Best Practices
  • Surveying – Coordinate Systems and Transformation 101Launched at Baseline
  • Planning – Online Resources and GIS Data Available to Baseliners
  • Surveying – Plats 101

With majority attendance, the day was filled with trivia, food, cocktails, and prizes. An overwhelming success with our team—Baseline is excited and looking forward to hosting Launch Party annually!