Development of a Hampton Inn hotel was being considered for the western half of the former Sterling manufactured gas plant site located at 205 South 3rd Avenue, Sterling, Colorado. The client requested Baseline personnel to review available environmental documents to determine if the soil and groundwater were potentially impacted by these former operations. The review indicated that the northern portion of the area would require soil remediation if development were to occur. Recommendations were made to complete Phase II investigations to sample both soil and groundwater to further delineate impacts on the property.
Soil and groundwater samples were collected and analyzed, and incorporated into the VCUP application that was developed for the property. The VCUP was approved by the CDPHE, and construction began in May 2016 with the remediation of PAH impacts on the north portion of the property. A total of approximately 700 tons of impacted soil were ultimately disposed of offsite as special solid waste.
Additional improvements were completed by the client; however, the client eventually ran out of financing for the completion of the Hampton Inn and the VCUP was withdrawn.