Baseline personnel completed Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) at the former American Medical Response (AMR) facility located at 2901 Broadway Boulevard, Denver, Colorado. The property contained a 29,000 sf, one-story office/garage building that was constructed in 1938. Based on available historical data, the property was first occupied by the Denargo Garage in 1945, followed by various other tenants, primarily as automotive maintenance operations. AMR utilized the property for maintenance of ambulances and other vehicles. The property lies within the Denargo Market development area and was underlain by landfilled waste up to 22 feet in thickness. The Phase II ESA determined that the landfill materials contained polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and metal concentrations that exceeded the EPA’s Regional Screening Levels (RSLs) for commercial and/or residential use and that total petroleum hydrocarbons could be encountered in localized areas on the property. The results of the Phase II ESA included the recommendation that the client consider entering the CDPHE Voluntary Cleanup Program to properly manage subsurface materials during any re-development of the property. The property, along with the property to the west, were purchased by the client and eventually developed into two separate apartment buildings. Baseline personnel developed the Voluntary Cleanup Plan Applications for both developments, provided environmental oversight during the development, assisted in obtaining Environmental Covenants for the two parcels, and assisted in obtaining Brownfield Tax Credits for the developments, all of which eventually resulted in the CDPHE issuing No Action Determination letters for the developments and issuance of tax credit funds.