I was a tap and jazz dancer for 35 years... hobbiest only.

Jeanna Whipple

Business Development Manager
With Baseline Since: 2023

Jeanna grew up in Windsor, Colorado and is a CSU graduate with a degree in business and a minor in marketing. She is passionate about helping others and bringing a positive spirit. She loves to connect with people as she learns and grows from everyone she meets and embraces the incredible talents that God has given all of us.

Favorite Movie: Top Gun

Favorite Off-Work Hobbies and Activities: Working out, hiking, crafting with my daughters, and dancing.

Favorite Music: Christian rock and country rock as it grounds me.

How Many Pets: Our family has two dogs (Sophie & Rusty), two cats (Minnow & Evee), and four rabbits (Cupcake, Boo, Noche, & Pepper).